NewsLetter-18th November 2021

From the Principal-18th November 2021

We are finally back on campus and getting used to what it feels like to be part of a school community.  It is so great to see so many of our students back.  It certainly is nice to hear the noise and busyness of a school with students in it.

This term our staff are working to complete reports for all of our young people and we are also getting ready for transition and graduation.  Our transition program is an important part of the end of school year as it ensures that each students can meet with their new classroom team and be ready for a  smooth start to the new school year.  All students are encouraged to attend these important days from 29th November to the 1st December.  Each campus is also getting ready for their end of year Christmas events.  Can’t wait to see everyone at one of these.

Our graduation planning is also well underway, this year we have booked the State Library.  It is a beautiful venue and will be a fitting end to a somewhat difficult school year.  I look forward to this event every year to celebrate students and their successes for the year.

Sally Lasslett
Principal – the Hester Hornbrook Academy

Halloween at Hester

Hester sure knows how to celebrate Halloween.
Starting from staff to students, everyone put on scary get up in the spirit of Halloween.
Look at the level of creativity everyone has and the amount of effort they have put in to celebrate Halloween.

RSA training week

Last week at Sunshine campus Job Camp class, our students got RSA training done.
At the end of which they received RSA certificate with which they were eager to apply for some summer jobs for coming holidays.

BBQ at Prahran post lockdown

Post lockdown and a sunny day, and Prahran is out to the park to have BBQ and play basketball.
Lots of laughter and happy to enjoy mask free time within our community.
It is so good to have all the students back onsite and enjoy BBQ together.