Last year the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) introduced a new section to the General Achievement Test (GAT). All students enrolled in a VCE Unit 3&4, including VCE Vocational Major (VCE VM) 3&4 students will sit the GAT. For Hester Hornbrook students this will mean that our students enrolled in VCE VM 3&4 will have the opportunity to attempt the GAT.  At Hester Hornbrook this remains the choice of our young people.
The GAT will be split into two sections:
VCE VM 3&4 students at Hester Hornbrook can choose to sit Section A of the GAT.
The GAT will be held on Thursday 15th June 2023.  Hester Hornbrook will offer the GAT to any student who would like to attempt the GAT at our South Melbourne Campus on this day.
Why is the GAT used?
From 2022, the GAT has an additional purpose of measuring student literacy and numeracy skills for students who are in VCE/VCE VM 3&4. The GAT is part of the VCE assessment process. While it is important that students attempt the GAT in VCE, the test does not count directly towards the VCE or VCE VM. 
To gain further information about the GAT we suggest that you visit the VCAA web site at
The GAT results will be posted to students in the final statement of results at the end of the year. 
I encourage our young people and their parent/carers to reach out to your classroom team or myself Leader of VCE- Kate Dennis 0448 490 984 and/or if you have any further questions.
I thank you for your support as we work to provide an educational and wellbeing program to your young person.
Kind regards,
Kate Dennis
Hester Hornbrook Academy- Leader of VCE