Our Alumni Program


The Alumni Program is an important part of the CAPE team (Careers, Alumni, Pathways & Employment team) at Hester Hornbrook Academy. This team works across all of our campuses conducting career exploration events and workshops. When our students finish their study at Hester Hornbrook Academy the Alumni Program continue to work with our young people to ensure that their pathway is successful.


When a student begins investigating pathway options for life after Hester Hornbrook, an Alumni team member will develop a Pathway Plan with a young person to assist with identifying gaps in support needs, investigating future pathway options, as well as facilitating access to other programs which may include financial supports.

The Alumni team work with our students on:


  • Assistance with enrolling into further education and training
  • Re-engagment in the tertiary setting
  • Job Search and planning
  • Further pathway planning
  • Referrals to additional wellbeing and financial supports where required.


When a student finishes their studies the following steps are available to assist a student to meet their pathways goals:


  • A Career Conversation
  • Career Action Plan
  • Pathway Appointment
  • Scholarships applications






Alumni Assistance


All students who have graduated from Hester Hornbrook Academy have access to a range of continuing Alumni supports.



   Extend Club

Located at our South Melbourne campus every Tuesday 1pm - 4pm


   Pathway Planning

To explore career options and plan next steps


   Further Education

Assistance with applications, enrolments or re-engaging with post secondary programs


   Employment Assistance and Job Searching

Help to apply for jobs and develop application writing and interview skills



   Education and Homework Help

Extra support with post secondary study and assessments



Advice and support to seek additional program referrals




Health and Safety


Working with children check


To attend campus once you are no longer enrolled, you will need to hold a working with children check and sign in on campus. If you don't have one, we can see you at Level 2, 164 Kings Way, South Melbourne.



Extend Club

Extend Club is held every Tuesday during the term between 1pm until 4pm at Level 2, 164 Kings Way, South Melbourne. This is a drop-in service available to former students who would like assistance with further education, employment, homework help, or a quiet space to study.






More than an Alumni!


   Alumni Event

Our Alumni are still part of the Hester Hornbrook Academy community. Our Alumni program hold a social event each year which gives our Alumni participants a chance to remain part of Hester Hornbrook Academy and stay in touch with previous classmates and staff. If you are interested in organising this annual event please let us know! We can’t wait to see you there.


   Group Activities

Throughout the year some Alumni may ask for opportunities, such as site tours, attending Open Days or to visit a service. Please let us know if this is something you are interested in, it could be a great opportunity for you to share with other Alumni.


   Share your Story

Would you like to share your experience? We are always looking out for ways to celebrate your journey and share great news stories of our Alumni participants. If you would like to share your story and a photo, please let us know!


   Stay In Touch

Your Alumni worker will be contacting you to organise support services and check in on how you are going. It is important to stay in contact with us so we can support you best.






Q.   What is an Alumni?

A.   An alumni is a former student of a particular school.




Q.   Is there a time limit on support?

A.   We provide more support in the first 12 months, however you can still reach out if things come up after that.




Didn't find what you're looking for? Reach out to our team via alumni@hhacademy.vic.edu.au, and we'll help you!





Useful Resources


Career Tools →
Join our LinkedIn Group →