The Young Parents’ class is an educational program specifically designed to support young parents to re-engaging with education. The young parents have the unique opportunity to bring their children into their learning space and to cultivate new friendships with other students who have shared life journeys.
The Young Parents’ Unite (YPU) was a social initiative developed by the students at Hester Hornbrook Academy to disrupt and tackle the stigma attached with being a young parent. Their message and enterprise slogan is simple; “We got this”. The slogan represents their capacity to juggle the demands of parenthood, whilst engaging in fulltime study.
The social enterprise YPU develops handmade products that are then sold as their business to the wider community. The YPU product selection includes; handmade tote bags, wheat bags, t-shirts and candle ranges.
Most importantly, the YPU are keen on giving back to the community and have created a social impact arm to their social enterprise, which gives 50% of the profits made to the charities they support.
Hester Hornbrook Academy offers a unique applied learning program for students who are passionate about sport, fitness and recreation. This is an integrated VCE VM program, where learning outcomes are sport related.
The VCE VM Sport and Recreation program is suited to students who enjoy an applied learning context and frequent physical activity. Students in this program will participate in weekly active, hands-on sports education, with a focus on fitness, nutrition, sport and recreational activities. Students will have opportunities to develop skills in planning, instructing, facilitating, and officiating a variety of physical games, sports, and fitness sessions. There will be an array of sports covered throughout the year, that will be tailored to individual student interest.
Students will engage in their VCE VM studies with a focus on creativity and design. This program is suited to students who are interested in exploring a career path in art and design. Daily, the applied learning will focus on a range of art mediums and enhance student’s skills in design technology.
This applied program will empower students to extend their understanding of art and technology and encourage individual expression. The classroom focuses on students interests and strengths and capitalise on these to set them up for success and boost their self-image and confidence.Students will investigate and experience this industry which will equip them to transition into their chosen vocation. At Hester Hornbrook we are excited about this innovative and inspiring program.
To enable Kristina to meet the literacy requirements for the VCE VM, the classroom team capitalised on her interest in beauty and her ambition to become a beauty therapist. Kristina produced a series of beauty manuals for her exercise in procedural and information text. She began with instructions for the application of eyelash extensions. A corner of the classroom was set up: the wall was draped in fabric and lighting enhanced. The help of a student with an interest photography was enlisted.
Photographs were taken as Kristina applied glue to a volunteer’s lids and then positioned the lash extensions. The photographs were printed, and Kristina wrote her instructions alongside each one. Kristina’s manuals were followed by her business plan. She then designed her own logo. To support Kristina’s future plans to run her own business she will be enrolled in Business Studies for her VETis course.
— Lashes by Kristina; wrinkles and freckles model's own
The HEAT program is a specialised hospitality and cooking program for young people who have a keen interest in applied learning and the hospitality sector. Our HEAT program has been successfully running for nearly 16 years and continues to develop to meet the demands of the changing hospitality landscape.
Students in the HEAT program will be enrolled full-time in both VCE VM and a Certificate II in Hospitality. This allows students to continue their secondary education whilst engaging in industry specific accredited training relating to cooking and hospitality. Students will also have access to many industry specific experiences and excursions while developing a wide range of life and living skills to prepare them for life beyond school.
Our HEAT students work from a fully equipped commercial kitchen with all program materials and costs fully covered by Hester Hornbrook Academy.
“Melbourne is cold place so when we mention “HEAT” you may be a little confused so let us clarify. HEAT is an acronym for Hospitality Education and Training but really HEAT is fun, HEAT is experience. HEAT is something you want to boast about all the time to everyone and to many like myself HEAT is home. Through a simulated workplace environment designed for personal growth and skill building, it gives you a compass in life to find your way through our world”.
— Adam